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Green motorsports Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Green motorsports - Research Paper Example The diesel-fueled Audi developed the victor with just about 100 focuses clear from their neare...
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Green motorsports Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Green motorsports - Research Paper Example The diesel-fueled Audi developed the victor with just about 100 focuses clear from their nearest matches in the American Le Mans Series. In the United Kingdom, Team West Racing utilized Ethanol filled MG Zs in Touring Car Championship. In the Economics of Climate Change, it is suggested that quick and proactive activity be thought of in order to lessen the ozone depleting substance outflows and balance out it between 400 and fifty thousand and 500 and fifty thousand sections for every million (Autosport magazine 76 ). In the event that this isn't done, there would be risky results and if the activities are done pitifully, the circumstance would most likely balance out at maximum breaking point. For this to occur, the worldwide outflows would need to diminish by twenty five percent by center of this century, and specifically, nations which are more elevated level producers would need to chop down the discharges by even a higher edge. In the UK, the administration has increased its determination through dispatching of a vehicle concentrate to react to the difficulties that are presented by environmental change to cushion against financial and ecological risks. There is ceaseless weight from the logical world for mediations to be completed all the more enthusiastically to have the option to battle environmental change. It is eminent that in spite of the fact that there is unanimity for the need of solid activities against environmental change, only a bunch of the perspectives, once in a while just those seeming nonconformist, get exagerrated consideration. There is consistent understanding that the initial phase in lessening the green house gas emisions is vitality productivity. The vehicle area is visualizing the utilization of little vehicles which will be considerably more vitality effective for neighborhood use in their own fast paths. These vehicles would abe ready to pass on in any event ten times the same number of individuals as would the individual vehicles. Moreover, it is simpler to envision miniaturized scale wind turbines or sun based boards mounted on their carports to top up their vitality
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Restoration of Michelangelos Sistine Chapel Essay
The Restoration of Michelangelos Sistine Chapel - Essay Example In spite of the fact that there had been various issues in deciding exactly how to enliven the roof of this structure just as issues in settling this equivalent roof, the essential inquiry for some was in whether to confide in Michelangelo, an artist, with something without a moment's delay so significant thus corrupting. For while Michelangelo is broadly commended today for his work on the house of prayer, roof work, for example, what he was mentioned to perform was regularly crafted by lesser craftsmen. When the subtleties had been resolved and inner selves mitigated, Michelangelo went to work showing his masterful virtuoso. Unique portrayals of the house of prayer showed that the works of art were bursting at the seams with splendid shading, staggering symbolism and authority of strategy, yet guests to the church in the hundreds of years since have felt the pictures more likely than not lost a portion of this life. As the earlier century found, this has surely been the situation a s just about 500 years of ash, smoke and contamination have collected over the essences of the pictures while the fundamental structure has been attacked by the assaults of rot and disintegration. While some hailed this move as a truly necessary safeguarding exertion, others contended any endeavors at rebuilding would essentially crush the aestheticness and inventiveness of its maker. The motivation behind this report is to investigate a portion of the debate encompassing the Sistine Chapel, starting with the issues of its unique creation and afterward hopping forward to the issues associated with endeavoring to reestablish such a key worldwide fortune, getting done with an examination of the result of the reclamation endeavors.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Intense Procrastination
Intense Procrastination Today I had a ton of work to do. To be fair, I did accomplish some of it. I finished half of my 2.671 homework, half of 2.008, and half of 2.004. Left is 7.012 studying, the second halves to all of those other things, and poetry. These are things I could have worked on tonight. Instead? Instead I listened to the new Muse album (go buy it now) and found a solo in one of the songs (I Belong to You) that I really liked, so I sat down with some paper, a pen, and my clarinet. A while later I had transcribed it. Technically its a bass clarinet solo, but with an octave shift and some creativity when notes dip below my playable range, I got it to sound pretty good. I printed some staff paper and actually wrote it out with ties, accents, and other notation so itd be easier to read and play. Then, Mason 10 busted out the Sibelius and wrote it all out officially, resulting in a nice piece of sheet music. I looked around on YouTube to see if anybody else had covered this on clarinet and, sure enough, somebody had. Eh, decent, but I knew I could do better, so after some misadventures with my Macbooks built-in mic (note, dont use for instrument recording) I made a video of myself playing my little transcription. Now, for your enjoyment, a video of me playing the clarinet solo from Muses new song I Belong to You, along with the sheet music.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Faith Destroyed in Eliezer Wiesel’s Night Essay - 986 Words
Faith Destroyed in Eliezer Wiesel’s Night At first glance, Night, by Eliezer Wiesel does not seem to be an example of deep or emotionally complex literature. It is a tiny book, one hundred pages at the most with a lot of dialogue and short choppy sentences. But in this memoir, Wiesel strings along the events that took him through the Holocaust until they form one of the most riveting, shocking, and grimly realistic tales ever told of history’s most famous horror story. In Night, Wiesel reveals the intense impact that concentration camps had on his life, not through grisly details but in correlation with his lost faith in God and the human conscience. Elie Wiesel’s God is more than a substantial part of his life. When Elie first†¦show more content†¦Elie and his father are taken to Auschwitz where they are separated from the rest of the family and first hear about atrocities such as the incinerators and gas showers. In the beginning Elie believes that everything is a rumor, a lie, that humankind cannot perform such crimes, but he soon is forced to witness the demise in front of his eyes. This is when his outlook on his faith starts to waver. While watching the smoke billow up from a crematory, Elie hears a man standing next to him begging him to pray, and for the first time in his life Wiesel turns away from God. â€Å"The Eternal, Lord of the Universe, the All-Powerful and Terrible, was silent. What had I to thank him for?†(31). As Elie gets used to his new life in such a hellish state, he realizes that the trusting and faithful child that he once had been had been taken away along with his family and all else that he had ever known. While so many others around him still implore the God of their past to bring them through their suffering, Wiesel reveals to the reader that although he still believes that there is a God, he no longer sees Him as a just and compassionate leader but a cruel and testing spectator. Elie’s faith in his Lord and his instinctive love for humanity are put to their final tests as the novel approaches its climax and conclusion. After witnessing the malicious, brutal hanging of an innocent child, Elie comes to theShow MoreRelatedPainful Experiences of the Holocaust in the Novel, Night by Elie Wiesel1185 Words  | 5 PagesNight Essay Prompt: Analyze how Wiesels character changed throughout the novel, especially in regard to the Jewish religion and towards God as a result of his experiences during the Holocaust. How does Wiesel’s transformation reveal the author’s intended theme about the Holocaust? World War II is a very impactful point in history where the Holocaust is viewed as one of the worst acts of human genocide. Countless Jewish victims endured traumatizing amounts of suffering and pain that transformedRead MoreThe Holocaust: Night by Elie Wiesel1635 Words  | 7 PagesJews were persecuted, tortured and slaughtered in concentration camps (â€Å"The Holocaust†1). Night by Elie Wiesel is the powerful memoir of his experiences during the Holocaust. Night shows the tragedy of the Holocaust through the use literary devices, including the themes of loss of faith and cruelty toward other human beings, night as a symbol of suffering and fear, and the use of first person narrative. Night allows the reader to emotionally connect with the victims of the Holocaust, encourages themRead MoreElie Wiesel s The Holocaust1315 Words  | 6 PagesThe Holocaust was an event where millions of people were being murdered during World War II. The memoir, Night by Elie Wiesel is based on Wiesel’s experiences in concentration camps, in order to give readers an insight of someone who was a victim of the Holocaust. The young narrator, Elie Wiesel, faces countless struggles for survival among the horrors of the Holocaust. In the memoir, Eliezer, the passionately, devoted boy with a benevolent family, is taken from his home and sent to a concentrationRead MoreBook Review of Night and Dawn Essay2568 Words  | 11 PagesBook Review of Night and Dawn Never shall I forget that night, the first night in the camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed. Never shall I forget that smoke. Never shall I forget the little wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky. Never shall I forget those flames which consumed my faith forever. Never shall I forget that nocturnal silence which deprived me, for all eternity, of the desire to live. Never shall I forget those momentsRead MoreLoss of Faith and Religion in Ellie Wiesel’s Night1386 Words  | 6 Pagesrelentless â€Å"night†of terror and torture in which humans were treated as animals. Wiesel discovers the â€Å"Kingdom of Night†(118), in which the history of the Jewish people is altered. This is Wiesel’s â€Å"dark time of life†and through his journey into night he can’t see the â€Å"light†at the end of the tunnel, only continuous dread and darkness. Night is a memoir that is writte n in the style of a bildungsroman, a loss of innocence and a sad coming of age. This memoir reveals how Eliezer (Ellie Wiesel)Read More NIght Response Essay936 Words  | 4 Pagesthreats as we grow and mature. Although how we act in these situations defines who we are, the underlying importance of these issues is how we come to our final decision and how we face the threats that lie before us. In Elie Wiesels’s memoir Night, a huge groups of people have their lives threatened and taken away as Primo Levi said â€Å"†¦ at a yes, or a no†and this shows just how predominant of an effect this threat had on the Jewish people. Many characters in this memoir chose to addressRead More Loss of Faith and Religion in Ellie Wiesel’s Night Essay1737 Words  | 7 Pagesrelentless â€Å"night†of terror and torture in which humans were treated as animals. Wiesel discovers the â€Å"Kingdom of Night†(118), in which the history of the Jewish people is altered. This is Wiesel’s â€Å"dark time of life†and through his journey into night he can’t see the â€Å"light†at the end of the tunnel, only continuous dread and darkness. Night is a memoir that is written in the style of a bildungsroman, a loss of innocence and a sad coming of age. This memoir reveals how Eliezer (Elie Wiesel)Read MoreAn Everlasting Relationship in Elie Wiesel ´s Night1237 Words  | 5 Pagesto be filled to capacity 262 times to equal the eleven million total people that died during the Holocaust. Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, and many others were killed for no other reason than being hated by the Nazis for who they are. In Elie Wiesel’s memoir Night, he tells the petrifying experiences he suffered through that scarred him forever. Some things can never be unseen, and this was the case for Wiesel. If it were not for his father, his last bit of hope for life would have been shattered, and
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Ornitholestes - Facts and Figures
Name: Ornitholestes (Greek for bird robber); pronounced OR-nith-oh-LEST-eez Habitat: Forests of western North America Historical Period: Late Jurassic (155-145 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 5 feet long and 25 pounds Diet: Meat Distinguishing Characteristics: Slender build; long hind legs About Ornitholestes Discovered in 1903, Ornitholestes was given its name (Greek for bird robber) by the famous naturalist Henry F. Osborn before paleontologists had grappled with the evolutionary origin of birds. Its certainly possible that this slender theropod preyed on the proto-birds of the late Jurassic period, but since birds didnt really come into their own until the late Cretaceous, its more likely that Ornitholestes feasted on small lizards and the carrion left over by larger carnivores. Whatever the case, theres not much fossil evidence to support either supposition: unlike the situation with its close cousins Coelophysis and Compsognathus, remains of Ornitholestes are few and far between, necessitating a large amount of guesswork. Ornitholestes reputation as a bird-eater has much in common with Oviraptors reputation as an egg-stealer: these were inferences drawn on the basis of insufficient knowledge (and in the case of Ornitholestes, the myth was perpetuated by a famous painting by Charles R. Knight depicting this dinosaur preparing to eat a captured Archaeopteryx). Theres still a lot of speculation about Ornitholestes: one paleontologist suggests that this dinosaur snatched fish out of lakes and rivers, another maintains that (if Ornitholestes had hunted in packs) it might have been capable of taking down plant-eating dinosaurs as big as Camptosaurus, and yet a third believes that Ornitholestes may have hunted by night, in a deliberate attempt to avoid (and outfox) its fellow theropod Coelurus.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Microwavable frozen foods Free Essays
United States and China had been seemingly a stable economic partner since years ago. Trades were often made between these two big countries hence China became the third economic partner of US. And also became second in terms of exports to the US. We will write a custom essay sample on Microwavable frozen foods or any similar topic only for you Order Now On the other hand, exports were also given to Chin. It is simply stated that China and US were mutual in economic relations. In the Case of Microwavable Frozen Foods that we wish to export to China. The goal is to have great trade by having great facilitation on the trade that will be occurring between China and US on the exports to be presented by China(Richelson). There is really the need of understanding the wellness of good trade facilitation as well as the neediness of the good for the target company. A good must be considered really consumable for the consumers of the company.  A good trade facilitation would lead efficiently to the smoothly flow of the transactions as well as simplifying the process, documentation and information to be held during the transactions. Smooth flow of transaction may lead to lessen burdens especially with the cost of business trade and great security and control. Being an international trade, during the transaction there must be some factors to be considered the contract to be made regarding the border and custom issues and transport services. When dealing with international trade, awareness to the business transaction made is a great factor to have high performance in the business world(My Own Business). In the export of microwavable frozen foods, we should consider the type of product that we wish to present to our trade partner by ensuring a highly rated product to achieve mutual pleasures between your partner and the exporter yourself. Contracts should be also one of the necessary materials in doing international transactions even only locally. A contract can ensure that your goods will be at good or it is naturally needed for the development on good partnership. Indeed, contacts are capable for the mistakes that would possibly do during the transaction and trade. With contracts, trade partner were both attain benefits especially during fault and blunder for the transactions. With contacts, both parties are well secured for the deal and companies as well be secured. When dealing only with the company for the transaction to be made, there is also the need to understand and to be aware of the country’s laws for any exports to be received by the company within the country. It is the responsibility as a exporter to perceive all necessary transaction procedures to be made. The exportation must be guided according to the Border and Customs ruling of China where our business partner was located(McIntyre). This method of knowing more about borders and custom rulings will improve the efficiency of the trade as well as run smoothly due to conformity to the rule. There was also sometimes that before making the transaction, there is a need for the presence of any business related offices as well as security offices for the importing country to manage the trade simultaneously and secured. Regarding with this, the paper document as well as the good must be presented first to the clients together with their business lawyers for the preparation of good del and agreement to be held in the near future. With the help of each lawyers of both parties, deal and agreements will be efficiently be made and completed. Prior to the aid of lawyers, the risks of ignorance to the deal and agreement will be merely obliterated. Financing the exportations of goods was truly beneficial as well as other requirements such as contract and agreement. Any financing requirement must be fulfilled eagerly for the progress for the progress of the transactions(Co.). Because making a great transaction is relevant for the payment of your exported Goods. Cost of good also should be considered, because the target company was not only making agreement with one exporting company. Attractive and competitive pricing of Goods should be recognized as looking for the business as a competitive one. Because they were not only dealing with us, we must consider other rivals pricing or cost of good to be able to cope up with the competition in the world of business most likely in the world of exportations. As a response to other goods prices, we can offer credits and extend their payment dues and this will enable our transaction that would take place in place of other exporters. Regarding with the international trade there still one important thing that should be discussed; this is the American Depository receipt or ADR. This is simply known to be non other than share of stocks acquired by non US companies for their trade with US Company(Kamlet and Regnery). This is an efficient way of handling trade of non US Company with us because they can acquire share of stocks that can be invested when any trade was made between our company and theirs. This is a great help to them if they wishes to stock trade in any US stock exchange. Being an exporting company, these were truly considerable facts and details that we be looking upon when dealing with our clients especially in abroad. Having knowledge with these things would remarkably a great sense of competition that would further be accomplished. Paying attention to the client’s yearning and yearning would be capable for us to manifest a good business performance alongside with other big companies surrounding us. Preparing for these activities such as trading would not be as tough if we consider all the things of factors of a good and competitive business and also it will help lessen any risks for any transactions to be made. Work Cited: Co., Unz . â€Å"Financing Export Transactions.†1999. Kamlet, Art, and George Regnery. â€Å"Stocks – American Depositary Receipts.† (2002). McIntyre, Doug. â€Å"Investing in China.† (2007). My Own Business, Inc. â€Å"International Trade.†2007. Richelson, Jeffrey T. â€Å"China and the United States: From Hostility to Engagement, 1960-1998 † (1999). How to cite Microwavable frozen foods, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Strategic Management Tool And Techniques In Reference To EBay Inc
Question- Write an assignment that gives an in-depth understanding of strategic management tool and techniques? Answer - Executive Summary This assignment gives an in-depth understanding of strategic management tool and techniques and how they help an organisation in developing its future growth strategies. It studies strategic management in reference to eBay Inc which is a market leader of worlds online market place. First part of the assignment conducts an environmental analysis for eBay using strategic tools like SWAOT analysis, PEST analysis and Porters five forces analysis. The outcome of SWOT analysis shows that strengths and opportunities of eBay outnumber its Weaknesses and threats; this predicts future growth and profitability. PEST analysis for eBay analyses the external factors that affects its operations. Porters five forces analysis for eBay shows that they feel minimum pressure from competitors; substitute products and suppliers however are affected by change in customer preferences. Does The Intricacy of The Topic Intimidate You? Tame Your Fear with Unmatched Assignment Help Services from Professional Writers. Second part of the assignment evaluates the resources and core competencies of eBay that leads to development of competitive advantages that competitors can neither imitate nor substitute. Resources analysis of eBay reveals that it has around $44.48 billion of tangible assets and $10,208 million of goodwill and intangible assets. Innovation forms the base for its high brand reputation and its 33,000 employees across the globe are seen as the most precious assets of the company. E-auction, unique business model and unmatched brand reputation are identified as the core competencies of the company which helps them retaining their competitive advantage and huge market share. Third part of the assignment focuses on recommendation for future development. TOWS analysis is performed for eBay in order to formulate strategies that can help them in maximising their strengths and minimising their weaknesses in order to take advantage of opportunities and avoid threats. Market development, strategic alliance and new pricing strategies are seen as the most sustainable, feasible and acceptable future growth strategies to enter new markets of developing countries like India and China. Table of Contents Introduction. Environmental Analysis for eBay. SWOT Analysis for eBay. PEST Analysis for eBay. Porters Five Forces Analysis for eBay. Resources and Competence Analysis for eBay. Recommendations for future Development. TOWS matrix for eBay to generate strategic options. Recommendations. References. Appendices. Introduction Strategic management is the process of systematic analysis of factors related to the external environment (competitors and customers) and the internal environment (organisation itself) in order to ensure that optimum management practices are maintained (Ansoff, 2007) . The primary purpose of strategic management is to attain an alignment between strategic priorities and corporate policies. eBay Inc. commonly referred to as ebay was founded in year 1995 by Pierre Omidyar (eBay Inc, 2015). It is an American multinational corporation and e-commerce company. It uses internet to provide business-to customer and customer-to-customer sales services. It is a multi-billion dollar company with offices across the global and headquarters in San Jose, California, United States. It comprises of three different business units with their own distinct brands (eBay Inc, 2015). eBay helps businesses and individuals in buying and selling online, PayPal is considered a leader in digital payments transact ions, eBay Enterprise provide customers with digital marketing, commerce and retailing services. Environmental Analysis for eBay Environmental analysis is defined as the systematic process of identifying various environmental factors in a business, studying their possible impacts and formulating strategies in order to benefit from them (Freeman, 2010). A companys environment or marketing environment comprises of all the factors that affect its ways of working. An in-depth analysis of marketing environment helps taking best advantage of positive factors and minimising the affect of negative factors (Baines, Fill, Page, 2013). Internal environment, micro environment and macro environment are three parts of a companys marketing environment (Adler, 2010). Figure below shows the different components of each part. Various strategic management tools can be used to perform environmental analysis for ebay. SWOT Analysis for eBay Swot analysis is a strategic management tool that helps analysing a companys strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (Pahl Richter, 2009). It the strengths and opportunities combined together outnumbers weaknesses and threats then the outcome is considered positive and predicts future growth. Swot analysis for ebay is shown below. Strengths Weaknesses Giant online marketplace: 105 million active users and 150 million live listings Extensive global presence: Present in 37 countries Economies of Scale: Very less investment with high earning Strong business model: Acts as an intermediate between sellers and buyers. A unique business model that serves as a competitive advantage Brand reputation: A multi billion brand with huge brand loyalty Strong payment methods: Uses PayPal which is considered a secure and convenient payment system Localisation: Displays in local languages and is adapted to local product offerings High Fees: Market research reveals that eBay charges comparatively high fees when compared to other online service providers. Sellers are hardly able to make profits. Scams: A number of shipping scams and frauds have been reported lately as no IT system can be 100% secure. Lacks strong future growth strategies Opportunities Threats Growth of online market: Reports indicate remarkable growth in online market. It is an emerging market and provides ample opportunities. Developing economies: Countries like India and China present good growth opportunities Change in customer preference: Customers today have less time thus prefer to use online marketplace which helps saving time. Impact of social media: use of social media helps in attracting more customers Acquisitions and Mergers: Skype deal opens more opportunities Online Security: As the model is completely IT bases its always open to security threats Increased Competition: High competition from big brands like Amazon and new entrants Changing economies and exchange rate: Changes in economical conditions affects exchange rates which in turn affects eBay. Other IT related issues like server crash, hacking etc. Table.1. Source: Made by Student (2015) SWOT analysis for eBay predicts high future growth however they have to work on their future strategies in order to align with changing business needs. PEST Analysis for eBay PEST analysis is a business management tool that helps analysing the political, economical, socio-cultural and technological factors affecting the overall functioning of an organisation (SWOT analysis and PEST analysis, 2014). PEST analysis for eBay is shown below: Political: This element of PEST analysis evaluated the political factors that affect eBay. eBay has its operations in almost 37 countries across the globe thus is affected by different government laws and regulations of each country. However E-commerce as of now is not that much affected by national governments (Adler, 2010). They are greatly affected by taxation laws, employment laws, security regulations related to online payments etc (Armstrong, 2012). Economical: Like all other businesses eBay is greatly affected by the overall world economical conditions. They are affected by economical factors like inflation, unemployment, rate of interest, currency fluctuation and changes in taxes (Marketing Mix, 2013). Changes in economical conditions directly affect consumer buying power which in turn has direct influence on eBays overall business ( Bizning Vakil, 2012). Socio-Cultural: eBay overall business if greatly affected by changing customer preferences, changes in lifestyle trends and consumer buying patterns. Researches reveal that there has been a significant rise in the number of consumers preferring online retailing as compared to offline retailing (Armstrong, 2012). There has been a huge shift in consumers ways of buying and selling products with so much information available to them at the click of a button. Technological: Rapid advancement in technology has shown a huge impact on all business across the world (Armstrong, 2012). eBays complete business model is based on internet thus it is greatly affected by technological factors like security threats, server breakdowns and changes in terms of online payments. Porters Five Forces Analysis for eBay Porters five forces model is a tool that helps analysing the external competitive environment of an organisation (Porter, 2008). Porters five forces analysis for eBay is shown below: Threat of new entrants: Medium; E-commerce industry provide low barriers to new entrants (Frobes, 2014). It requires high investment in order to compete on a large scale. Online payments are seen as a complex processes. Threat of Competitive Rivalry: Medium to High; Both online and offline companies compete with eBay. It faces high competition from big online players like Amazon and Alibaba (Frobes, 2014). Less entry barriers result in development of a number of new online companies operating on same business model as eBay Bargaining power of customers: High; with too many options available customers enjoys high bargaining power ( Bizning Vakil, 2012). E-commerce companies have to offer fewer prices in order to attract more customers. Customer today has ample of information related to the products thus they know where they can get what they desired at best price. Bargaining power of Suppliers: Low; eBay is a big brand name and suppliers all over are eager to get associated with it (Frobes, 2014). Millions of sellers make product listing on eBay thus bargaining power of individual suppliers is very less. Threat of Substitute product: Low; eBay has a unique business model where numerous products are sold thus they do not feel any threat from substitute products (Frobes, 2014). They can easily change to different products to meet changing needs of customers. Resources and Competence Analysis for eBay Resource Based View (RBV) of strategic management helps identifying an organisations sources behind its sustained competitive advantage (Acosta, Colomo-Palacios, Loukis, 2011).eBay is the worlds largest online marketplace which provides its users with a convenient platform where they can buy and sell their products. The evolution of strategic management over time has made it possible to analyse the resources and core competencies of an organisation which final lead to the development of competitive advantage (Hana, 2013). Strategic management has identified a strong relationship between an organisations resources, capabilities and core competencies (Nilsson Rapp, 2005). Resources are defined as the sources of an organisations capabilities; capabilities future acts as an organisations sources of core competencies which in turn forms the basis for its competitive advantage in the marketplace (Abraham, 2012). Resources: Resources of an organisation can be both tangible as well as intangible. Tangible resources are resources that are physical can be observed and quantified (Graham, 2008). Tangible resources of eBay include its financial assets of $44.48 billion till Q3 of year 2014 (ebay inc, 2015). Its physical assets which include its buildings, product lines, machinery, technological hardware and service equipment amount to $ 2,760 million as declared in eBay Inc. Annual report of year 2013 (Stock Analysis on Net, 2013). eBay has a strong portfolio of technological assets and organisational assets (ebay inc, 2013). Intangible resources are resources that cannot be quantified; they are deep rooted in organisations history and have accumulated over time (Abraham, 2012). As these resources are not easily visible it becomes difficult for competitors to understand, imitate or substitute them. Thus, a competitive advantage that results from an intangible resources is always more sustainable. Intangible resources include human resources, innovation and brand reputation (Freeman, 2010). eBay in its annual report of year 2013 has declared a good will and intangible assets of $ 10,208 million (Stock Analysis on Net, 2013). They have more than 33,000 employees across the globe, who are driven by a spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation along with a guiding sense of purpose. They strive for excellence and create a positive impact on customers, community and planet. Innovation is the key behind the remarkable success of eBay enabling it to each an unmatched brand reputation. Core Competence: Core competence refers to an organisations resources and capabilities that server as a competitive advantage against its competitors (Ansoff, 2007). It emerges within an organisation over a period of time and defines its capacity to take actions. It helps adding unique value for its customers and represents only those resources and capabilities that have strategic values. eBays complete business model is an unmatched core competence and serves as prime competitive advantage for the company. It is recognised worldwide for its innovative ideas which cannot be imitated by any of its rivals. Its Brand reputation is another core competence that attracts high customer traffic towards its website. eBay considers its human resources as one of the primary forces that helped it develop a strong brand reputation in the online marketplace. E-auction service is another core competence of eBay which has brought considerable growth to the company. Recommendations for future Development Resources and competence analysis of eBay predicts high growth opportunities in coming future. The company however must emphasize more on developing strategies that can help them prevent frauds especially in customer to customer marketing of products. eBay recently has faced a number of legislation related to selling of counterfeit products. It must deploy effective screening processes in order to control the sale of counterfeit products. It must expand to developing economies and take advantage of ample opportunities presented by them. It is essential for them to formulate future growth strategies in order to meet the dynamic needs of online marketplace and further strengthen their technological portfolio in order to retain their competitive advantage. TOWS matrix for eBay to generate strategic options TOWS analysis is referred to as a variant of SWOT analysis (Baines, Fill, Page, 2013). It helps in bettering understanding of the various strategic choices available to the organisation. TOWS analysis for eBay is present below: TOWS Matrix for eBay TOWS Matrix for eBay External Opportunities (O) External Threats(T) Growing demand for online retailing Acquisitions and mergers Growth in digital market sector Diversification Developing economies Security threats Changing economic conditions Currency fluctuation Sale of counterfeit products Emergence of small domestic players Competition from big brands like Amazon Internal Strengths (S) (SO) Using strengths to maximise opportunities (ST) Using strengths to minimise threats Online market place leader Huge market share Financial Stability Strong leadership Brand reputation Business Model Human resources E-auction Strong technological portfolio Expanding to new markets like India and China Expanding product portfolio Diversifying into new product markets Using Brand reputation to attract more customers Online verification to control sale of counterfeit products Strategic alliances to further increase market share Restructuring marketing and management strategies Internal Weaknesses (W) (WO) Minimising weaknesses to take advantage of opportunities (WT)Minimise weaknesses to avoid threats Weak control illegal and fraud selling of products Complete dependence on technology Comparatively high prices Brick and Mortar stores for eBay to enhance physical evidence element Altering pricing strategies to provide cost advantage Implement strategies that can better control frauds. Strengthen online payments security. Strategic alliances Table.2. Source: Made by Student (2015) The outcome of TOWS analysis for eBay presents ample opportunities for eBay in international online market place. They must consider Market development, strategic alliance and pricing strategies as primary future growth strategies. Recommendations Market development, strategic alliance and new pricing strategies are the most sustainable, feasible and acceptable future growth strategies. They should consider countries like India and China for further expansion. Both these countries are developing economies with huge population thus provide ample growth opportunities. In order to take maximum advantage they should focus on developing strategic alliance with local enterprises that have better knowledge of local community preferences. As they enter these new markets they should emphasize on restructuring their pricing strategies as these countries have lower buying power owing to less stable economic conditions and low currency value. eBay enjoys a huge market share and has high brand reputation which can help them attract target customers in new markets. They should deploy strategies by which can control sale of counterfeit products which will further help them increase brand image and loyalty. References Bizning Vakil. (2012). External environment of EBay within the framework of Porters Five Force analysis. Abraham, S. C. (2012). Strategic Planning: A Practical Guide for Competitive Success. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing. Acosta, P. S., Colomo-Palacios, R., Loukis, E. N. (2011). A review of the RBV of the firm within the e-Business literature: Whats next? Interdisciplinary Journal of Research in Business , 1 (1), 45-52. Adler, M. (2010). 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Retrieved 2015, from https://marketingmix.co.uk/ Nilsson, F., Rapp, B. (2005). Understanding Competitive Advantage: The Importance of Strategic Congruence and Integrated Control. Hamburg: Springer. Pahl, N., Richter, A. (2009). Swot Analysis - Idea, Methodology and a Practical Approach. Frankfurt: BoD Books on Demand. Porter, M. E. (2008). Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. New York: Simon and Schuster. Stock Analysis on Net. (2013). Analysis of Goodwill and Intangible Assets. Stock Analysis on Net. (2013). Analysis of Property, Plant and Equipment. SWOT analysis and PEST analysis. (2014). SWOT analysis and PEST analysis. Appendices
Sunday, March 22, 2020
7 derechos de los indocumentados si son arrestados
7 derechos de los indocumentados si son arrestados Si eres uno de los 11 millones de indocumentados que viven en los Estados Unidos, estos son tus derechos en los casos de arresto o si la Policà a te para en la calle o te ordena parar mientras manejas un auto. Derechos de los indocumentados La policà a no puede entrar en una vivienda sin que tenga orden judicial (warrant). La excepcià ³n es si tiene motivos fundados de que se est cometiendo un delito (atacando a una persona, traficando con drogas, etc.). Si la policà a llama a la puerta, pedir el warrant muy educadamente y sin perder los nervios. Si no la tienen sà ³lo pueden ingresar si se les da permiso, pero se les puede decir que no. Si la policà a para a un inmigrante en la calle o cuando est manejando o en el trabajo recordar que se tiene el derecho a permanecer en silencio. La à ºnica excepcià ³n son algunos estados en los que se est obligado a decir el nombre. Verifica si resides en uno de esos estados. Si es asà , se dice. Si la policà a lo para a uno se le puede preguntar si se puede ir (free to leave, en inglà ©s). Si la respuesta es afirmativa (hay que oà r el yes), se puede ir, pero sin movimientos bruscos. Nunca perder la calma (aunque por dentro se està © muy nervioso). Si se es arrestado se tiene el derecho a pedir hablar con un abogado. Es muy conveniente cargar siempre con el nombre y el nà ºmero de telà ©fono de un abogado de inmigracià ³n con buena reputacià ³n (o incluso ms de uno, por si no contesta o no puede hacerse cargo del caso). Si se est como indocumentado en Estados Unidos no cargar con documentos como el pasaporte u otros como la matrà cula consular que puedan probar que se est ilegalmente en el paà s. Si se tienen se guardan en un lugar seguro, pero no se les lleva con uno. La razà ³n de lo anterior es que para que el gobierno pueda deportar a una persona es necesario que pruebe que est aquà ilegalmente (o que ha hecho algo que amerita la deportacià ³n). Si no se dice nada, si no hay rà ©cords de ninguna clase entonces tiene difà cil probar su caso. Lo ms aconsejable es no hablar ni mostrar documentos y esperar por el abogado. Si se est ilegalmente en el paà s y se tienen personas dependientes como por ejemplo hijos menores, tomar la precaucià ³n de hablar con personas de confianza quià ©n debe hacerse cargo de ellos, cules son las instrucciones, cà ³mo acceder al dinero ahorrado para gastos, etc. Es incluso muy conveniente hacer un escrito ante notario. Jams firmar algo que no se entiende. Esto puede ser porque est en inglà ©s y sà ³lo se habla espaà ±ol o porque no se acaba de entender las consecuencias del documento que se le pone delante. Tampoco firmar ningà ºn papel si no se est de acuerdo con lo que dice, aunque se entienda. En estos casos esperar por el abogado. Una vez que se firma es muy difà cil dar marcha atrs. NO importa lo mucho que insistan. Si no se quiere firmar o no se entiende, no se firma. Muy importante Jams dar o enseà ±ar a la Policà a un documento falso. Jams decir que se es ciudadano americano si es una mentira. Esto es muy grave. Permanece callado, si asà se desea. Pero no mentir, si se habla. Si la policà a lo para a uno, permanecer siempre en calma. Jams mostrarse violento, muy nervioso, hacer movimientos extraà ±os o salir huyendo, esto à ºltimo es considerado como una violacià ³n migratoria que amerita la deportacià ³n. Saber que existen en las carreteras retenes migratorios internos en algunas partes del paà s. A tener en cuenta De los estimados 11 millones de indocumentados presentes en Estados Unidos, aproximadamente menos de cinco podrn beneficiarse de las medidas anunciadas por el presidente Obama que les protege frente a la deportacià ³n. Si crees que puedes calificar para esas medidas, infà ³rmate con abogados u organizaciones de apoyo a inmigrantes que sean reputados. Evita ser và ctima de un fraude migratorio y considera reportar los casos que sepas. No pagues a personas que ofrecen cosas que simplemente no existen o que cobran por sus gestiones cantidades completamente desorbitadas. Y ten presente que por ahora DAPA y DACA extendido no se estn aplicando. Y si recibes una carta para presentarte en Corte es el momento de buscar abogado. Tener presente que puede haber una demora grande en los casos en las Cortes migratorias. De interà ©s En algunos estados, como por ejemplo Nueva York o California, algunos indocumentados podrà an ser considerados PRUCOL. En estos casos, tendrà an derecho a algunos beneficios sociales de los que generalmente los indocumentados estn excluidos. Y es que hay importantes diferencias entre estados en lo que afecta a indocumentados: unos son muy estrictos y otros han pasado medidas para hacerles la vida un poco menos difà cil. Finalmente, la presidencia de Donald Trump est teniendo un gran impacto en las comunidades migrantes. Esos son 9 asuntos migratorios sobre los que ya se ha pronunciado y conviene estar familiarizados. Adems, conviene saber cules son las 7 nuevas prioridades de deportacià ³n, segà ºn orden ejecutiva de enero de 2017. Este artà culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Profit sharing Essay Example
Profit sharing Essay Example Profit sharing Essay Profit sharing Essay Whichever programme is taken most of the training will take place on the shop floor. The experience of working in more than one selling department is given, as well as in some behind-the-scenes functions such as finance and the supply chain. Practical training will be supplemented by formal training sessions. These may include personal coaching, help from subject experts, a specific training course and easy-to-use training resources. There are no prescribed time limits to complete the programme, but a target date will be made by the manager and staff trainer. Regular progress meetings will allow quality time to discuss achievements and any areas for development. Training in John Lewis is also quite good: giving different types of training for people and also no specific time is given for most of the program, making it more convenient for the employees as well as people who might want a career in John Lewis receives and also the people who are going to work for a short period of time or students applying for work experience or only working in their vacation gets a different type of training which is better since it saves time and money but on the other hand it also is a disadvantage since the people applying for a short time will have a different place and different people to teach them therefore this also wastes time and money. Motivation The Human resource department is also responsible for motivating the employees. Motivation is the desire of an individual to work and to get involved in activities. Money, and the way it is paid, can affect motivation to work. These are some of the most usual payment systems: Time rate or wages Paying by the number of hours worked. Piece rate Paying by the number of items (pieces) produced. Overtime Extra pay for work done over and above normal working hours. It is usually paid at a higher hourly rate, e. g. double time means twice the normal hourly rate. Shift payments Usually paid for working unsocial hours such as night work. Bonus payments A special single payment for achieving a target. Profit sharing A percentage of the companys profit is shared amongst the workers. A loyalty bonus can be used to persuade workers to stay with their employer for a long period of time. Employees may not want to work longer than their contracted hours but they can often be persuaded to do so by receiving a higher rate of pay. A perk is a payment in kind; instead of giving money the employer might provide: Cars, health insurance, free uniform, discounted products, and first class travel. Most people work to satisfy needs of one kind or another. Non-financial motivators are things other than money that motivate people to work. Abraham Maslow developed his hierarchy of needs based on research about what motivates people to work. He suggested that there were 5 levels of need that influence a persons behavior. 1. Basic needs A person starts at the bottom of the hierarchy and will initially seek to satisfy basic needs (e. g. food, shelter). 2. Safety needs Safety needs at work could include physical safety (e. g. protective clothing) as well as protection against unemployment, loss of income through sickness etc). 3. Social needs Social needs recognize that most people want to belong to a group. These would include the need for love and belonging (e. g. working with colleague who support you at work, teamwork, communication) 4. Self-esteem needs Esteem needs are about being given recognition for a job well done. They reflect the fact that many people seek the esteem and respect of others. A promotion at work might achieve this 5. Self-actualization Self-actualization is about how people think about themselves this is often measured by the extent of success and/or challenge at work People are only truly motivated by enabling them to reach for and satisfy the factors that Herzberg identified as real motivators, such as personal growth, development, etc. , which represent a far deeper level of meaning and fulfillment.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Management Journal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Management Journal - Assignment Example The term management can be defined as a process of getting the work done in an effective and well-organized manner with the help of others (i.e. human resource). It is consider both as a science and art. It is seen as an art because of the fact that management desires to make people effective and dedicated towards their work and responsibilities ensuring quality performance. Subsequently, it is also considered as a science because it is a systematic process where various stages and frameworks are involved (Drucker 36-46). Furthermore, management is also considered as the process of accomplishing any task with the optimum use of various resources available within any organizational setting. Management works in a chain process where effectiveness of one function is entirely dependent on the effective and error-free operations of other functions in the chain. It has also been observed that the practice of management has become a backbone of operations for companies all around irrespecti ve of their size or nature of their operation. This is owing to the increased dependency of business on management in the modern day context. Hence, it can be affirmed that management is one of the most significant business practices which largely involves the coordination and assimilation and maximum utilization of resource of a business unit towards ensuring the accomplishment of the organizational targets (Drucker 36-46). 17 SEPTEMBER 2010: In the previous entry, discussion has been made about the concept of management in today’s world in context of the business. From that day till now, some knowledge has been gathered regarding the importance of management in today’s competitive nature of business through academic learning and practical understanding. It has been affirmed that management holds an important and irreplaceable position within any organization. In support of this statement it can be stated that the success of today’s business unit is largely dep endent on the effectiveness of the management and the approach of the mangers altogether. Contextually, good management team will have the ability to ensure right decision making for the business which acts as the ultimate reason for enhanced performance of the business. Furthermore, it has also been learnt that a good management team will also have the quality to anticipate the threats and challenges to the business and work accordingly to deal with the same. All the organization operating in the global business world is dependent on the performance of their workforce together as group towards the accomplishment of organizational objectives. In this regard, it will also be worth mentioning that the main functions of management within any organization is to plan, organize, control and coordinate the organizational resource (i.e. including human resource) towards a positive direction, further yield positive results for the overall business unit. In precise, it can be stated that mana gement within any organization deals with differentiated departments of the unit affirming efficiency in each one of them. Owing to all this significant role, management plays within any organization, it can be ascertained as a life giving element to the business. Moreover, it has been discussed that in the absence of proper managerial function, the overall performance of any business
Monday, February 3, 2020
Marketing Environment of Child Rights and You UK Case Study
Marketing Environment of Child Rights and You UK - Case Study Example CRY along with its operations based in the Indian sub-continent has also successfully expanded along international regions like the United States of America and the United Kingdom thereby inviting a stronger foothold for fighting for children’s rights (Child Rights and You, n.d.). Micro and Macro Environments of CRY UK Micro Environment The Micro-Environment of CRY based in the United Kingdom would be analyzed on the basis of the internal policies and the organizational design or operational framework. CRY based in the United Kingdom operates based on a Board of Trustees who is followed by the team of Executive Committee. Finally, the main operational arm of the organization comprises of volunteers that immediately follows the Executive Committee. ... CRY UK also renders equal emphasis to the parameters of transparency and accountability in its different operations. The organization also focuses on empowering individuals working at different levels for fighting for the rights of poor children. Macro Environment In the macro environment of CRY UK the organization works through the development of partnerships with key external stakeholders for the organizational expansion and accomplishment of different important projects. On the social front, the organization maintains an effective relationship with large scales of donors, people who desire to volunteer for the concern’s activities and different project administrators. Politically the non-government organization is a registered charity firm under the United Kingdom Registrations Act and henceforth the donations made to the concern are subjected to tax deductions. The organization is socially responsible in that it helps the poor and malnourished children to effectively survi ve, develop both in their physical and intellectual fronts and thereby participate in social development. Moreover, in the macro environment, the concern also takes the active cooperation of different stakeholders like print and visual media to create a large amount of social and individual awareness. The support of different corporate and social and individual associations is gained so as to sustain the spontaneity of the fund raising operations (Child Rights and You, n.d.). SWOT Analysis of CRY Strength Child Rights and You as a non-government organization operates on fundamental vision and mission ideology that focuses on helping the children gain their own rights in regards to better nutrition, education, and social upbringing.Â
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Biopsychosocial Model of Health Case Study
Biopsychosocial Model of Health Case Study Case Based Essay The biopsychosocial model of health (Engel, 1977) claims that health and illness are: the product of a combination of factors including biological characteristics (e.g. genetic predisposition), behavioural factors (e.g. lifestyle, stress, health beliefs), and social conditions (e.g. cultural influences, family relationships, social support). (Marks et al,2005). The biopsychosocial model takes into account that each patient is completely different and as a result they are affected differently by each biological, psychological and social happening. (Atkinson et al, 2005). The biomedical model of health however sees the patient as a biological entity which has developed a fault; this model leads people to believe that all patients with the same injury/pathology will respond the same to treatment and in the same amount of time. (Atkinson et al, 2005). The main difference between these two models is the role of the patient and practitioner in each. The biomedical model sees the patient as person who has to take orders from the practitioner. The biopsychosocial model sees the treatment as a negotiation between the practitioner and patient. (Annandale, 1998) The type of model a practitioner uses will greatly impact on the eventual outcome of the patient. In the case of Mrs. Chatsworth the biopsychosocial model of health would be the best approach to take when coming up with an effective treatment plan for her as there are many biological, psychological and social factors that a practitioner will have to contend with. This essay will explore these different biological, psychological and social factors that will face Mrs. Chatsworth throughout her treatment as well as the implications for her practitioner. There are a number of biological factors affecting Mrs. Chatsworth, some resulting from the total joint replacement in her right hip six weeks ago and others stemming from osteoarthritic changes which have been occurring for a number of years. According to (Moskowitz et al, 2007) osteoarthritis diseases are a result of both mechanical and biological events that destabilize the normal coupling of degregation and synthesis of articular cartilage chondrocytes and extracellular matrix, and subchondral bone. Mrs. Chatsworth experiences osteoarthritis in her knees, hips and shoulders. It was these changes in her hip joint that led to her having a total hip athroplasty. Daily activities such as shopping would be difficult for Mrs. Chatsworth as the osteoarthritis in her shoulders will make it difficult for her to carry shopping bags. Another biological factor to be concerned with, when dealing with Mrs. Chatsworth is the residual knee and thigh swelling as a result of the hip replacement. à ¢â‚¬Å"Wounds that failto heal in the expected time range are generally referred to as chronic.†(Shamely, 2005). Swelling present at this stage post-operatively would indicate chronic inflammation in the knee and thigh region. â€Å"Chronic inflammation must be replaced by acute inflammation for healing to occur†(Shamely, 2005 pg 4). This swelling has decreased the range of motion in her knee as it will be painful to move it. Mrs. Chatsworth is only partially weight bearing, with her knee slightly flexed and as a result requires elbow crutches to get around. This will affect Mrs. Chatsworth ability to climb stairs, which she has to do daily as her apartment is on the first floor of a building which has no lift. Her right hip is still very stiff after the operation; this again will affect her ability to get around. Also the therapist will have to be aware of the post operative guidelines when forming a plan, adduction and internal rotation of the hip are limited by these . Another issue facing Mrs. Chatsworth is weakened muscles in the thigh region; her right and left quadriceps have very little definition or bulk, also in her right leg there is a significant reduction in her gluteal muscle group, which are very important muscles involved with the movement of the hip and knee joint, her practitioner will have to prescribe strengthening exercises for these. According to (Schult et al, 2005 pg420) â€Å"the hip and gluteal muscles have evolved into massive and powerful movers and stabilizers of the femur counteracting the loads imposed by support of the whole body weight on two limbs and maintain balance and stability during bipedal locomotion.†This means that Mrs. Chatsworths balance is decreased as a result of this muscle atrophy and her practitioner will have to plan for this. Mrs. Chatsworth is also taking Atenalol for high blood pressure; this will affect her as over exertion may cause further injury. The practitioner will have to ensure that he/she makes a treatment plan that is effective but at the same time not too physically demanding on Mrs. Chatsworth. When dealing with Mrs. Chatsworth case the practitioner will have to look closely at the psychological and social factors which will have a bearing on her treatment e.g. treatment time and the eventual outcome of this treatment. Mrs. Chatsworth may be depressed or stressed over the death of her husband six months ago; this may have an adverse effect on her rehabilitation. The practitioner will have to realise that because Mrs. Chatsworth is lonely her motivation to follow a recovery plan may be somewhat limited. On the other hand Mrs. Chatsworth is worried about being a burden on her daughter who will have less time on her hands soon as her children will be on holidays from school, so this may give her added drive to recover quicker; this may lead to Mrs. Chatsworth causing further injury to herself by over working to recover. This issue will may lead to Mrs. Chatsworth trying to perform daily tasks which she was not able to do post-operatively. Another obstacle for the practitioner to overcome is Mrs. Chatsworths fear of weight bearing on her right leg. Her therapist will have to encourage and reassure her, walking behind a while there taking their first fully weight bearing steps can be a great form of reassurance to a patient. (Stein-Parbury, pg209) highlights this- â€Å"the presence of another human being is reassuring in itself, especially during times of disquiet.†Mrs. Chatsworth also has two cats which she may be overly attached to; a problem may arise as looking after them may put extra pressure on her during her recovery. As well as these psychological factors there are also a number of social factors that the therapist will have to incorporate into his/her plan for Mrs. Chatsworth. The fact that Mrs. Chatsworth is recently retired will give her more time to focus on her recovery plan; also there will be no pressure on her to be fit to go back to work. As her daughter lives close by, only five miles away, this will alleviate some of the pressu res on Mrs. Chatsworth such as shopping, cleaning and other common daily activities. Also her living conditions as mentioned earlier, living on the first floor and having to use stairs to go to and from her apartment will affect her recovery as it may be an incentive to follow her recovery plan. To conclude, this essay identified the different biological factors that affected Mrs. Chatsworth such as loss of range of movement, swelling and osteoarthritis. Also this essay highlighted the different psychological factors affecting her such as stress, the fear of being a burden to her family and the fear of weight bearing on her right leg. This essay also highlighted the different social issues that will affect her recovery. All these factors were related to the therapist will manage Mrs. Chatsworths case and what the eventual outcome will be.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
To Be of Use
According to Confucius, â€Å"You should treat others the way you want to be treated. †Resembling Confucius’ golden rule, Harold Kushner’s â€Å"Shalom: The Quest for Integrity†talks about a man who did something good, when people didn’t think he would. While Marge Piercy isn’t writing about treating others a certain way, she is instead writing about being of good use. Harold Kushner’s text parallels Marge Piercy’s poem in the topic of being of good use. Due to the length of the poem, she talks about people being of use. Harold Kushner’s text talks about people who were useful.On Monday night December 11, 1995, the fire at the textile mill changed a city. Many people of Lawrence, Massachusetts, were worried about the economic impact from losing the textile mill due to the fire. However, the owner Aaron Feuerstein surprised everyone. People expected he would take advantage of the fire to move to a more profitable locatio n. Feuerstein announced that not only was he going to rebuild the factory, but also workers would receive three months of payroll, even though there was no work. â€Å"Feuerstein is a special person, a man of integrity†, are there few people with integrity?Maybe is the reason Blanchard co-author the book called The Power of Ethical Management, â€Å"there’s no right way to do a wrong thing,†using the book as a plea to the business world. Directed to the people who do things to benefit themselves, but hurt others. Confucius states: treat others the way you want to be treated; ask yourself if you do harm to others, would you like it if someone did harm to you in the same way? No because many of us wouldn’t; many don’t think about the consequences, or if it happened to themselves, before they do something. People commit wrong doing, to benefit themselves.When I hear politicians and preachers condemning the sinful ways of society around them, I often agree with their criticisms, but I don’t hear the pain in their voices. †As stated in the text by Kushner, many people lead with falsehood, tricking others to believing that they are useful people of integrity, when in the end they really are not. Marge Piercy’s poem gives her opinion of people who are useful. In the first verse, she has a high regard for people who throw enthusiasm into the work they do. She compares the people who throw enthusiasm into their work, to water buffalo.That people who enjoy their work, with patience, will in the end receive good rewards. Rewards of satisfaction, the results of their hard work, are what they receive in return for tireless hard work. To Piercy, work is as common as mud; work like mud smears the hand. â€Å"But the thing worth doing well done, has a shape that satisfies, clean and evident,†says Piercy in her poem. Piercy’s poem is more of a collection of opinions, the things that make a person useful. W hat she thinks useful people are like. Piercy has high regard for people who give care into their work.In past experience, and previous knowledge, people who work hard are reward, they move up in life. However people who don’t have integrity, who do harm eventually fail from life. Many people, who are successful, love their work; they enjoy what they are doing with enthusiasm. Treating other with respect should gain you respect. Kushner discusses more about people who had integrity, who gave back, when no one expected them to. People who made themselves useful People who try to encourage people to be ethically positive. To change their tactics to help people not harm people. The benefits, and why people did the things they did.Then also the people who are false or true prophets. The people who speak true, but don’t adhere to what they preach. Piercy, on the other had in contrast, expresses her opinion, on the factor of people being of use, having high regard for people who love working, being useful and enjoy their work. That their hard work would reward them. Piercy’s poem contrast’s Kushner’s text, in terms of the directions they go. Kushner is indirectly talking about being of use but on the topic of people with integrity, and ethical standards. Piercy directly relates to the topic of to be use. The opinion of what she thinks people who are useful.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Bentley starts Essay
Question 1: Bill visits a local car auction and is immediately attracted to a red car labeled ‘Ferrari 1979’ which he purchases from peter. Peter is not a car expert but he has borrowed a book from the library and identified the car as a 1979 model. Bill also sees a classic Bentley which is owned by James, a qualified car mechanic. James informs Bill that the Bentley is operating perfectly on the way to the auction. Bill wanders off to look at another car and in his absence, the engine of the Bentley starts emitting smelly black smoke. However, by the time Bill returns, the smoke has temporarily cleared and he pays James the full price for the car. Subsequently, Bill discovers that the Ferrari is a fake but he crashes it while showing off to his girlfriend. It is a total write of further. He discovers that the engine in the Bentley is faulty. His mechanic manages to undertake some minor repairs to keep the engine running temporarily but warns Bill that in the long run he will need a new engine. Advice Bill. Question 2: Gethin runs a hotel at a popular seaside resort. He decides to expand his hotel by adding an extension but his accountant warns him that it will only be economical if built in time for the summer season. His contract with Bob, a local builder, contains the following conditions: 1) The extension will be built by 1 April 30 to be payable for each day’s delay thereafter. 2) The extension must be built using local materials as specified in Gethin’s attached list of specifications. 3. The floor must be fitted by a specialist flooring contractor to be nominated by Gethin. On April 30, the extension is still attractive. He is extremely annoyed to find out that the floor had not been fitted by Unique Floor Ltd, the firm he nominated and there are now large cracks in its surface. He is distressed by the whole experience and in fit of anger, dismisses Bob and hires Jack to complete the work. Jack, seizing the opportunity charges Gethin with a double rate for the work. Bob and Jack are now demanding payment form Gethin . Advise Gethin Advice 1: As an initial move, Bill should approach James as soon as possible and inform him about the condition of the Bentley. As a merchandiser, it is James responsibility to address Bill’s query regarding the car and help him resolve the problem. In addition, James also has the obligation to provide a concrete description of the products that he is offering. He has to be honest in his service and he should not lie to customers for the sake of making more money or else he might suffer from consequences after. Even if the mechanic has done temporary repairs on the Bentley, the possibility of acquiring new engine and spending additional cost in the long run makes the situation harder for Bill. It is also not reasonable to say that James has no responsibilities on the car anymore since it is already bought because of the car has been damage even before it is bought. According to the law of consumer rights, the merchandiser has the obligation to sell products that are described correctly including the damages that the products may have. The consumer also has the right to return a product if the consumer discovered any failure right after the product’s purchase (ANL 2009). Applying to Bill’s case, James lied to Bill about the condition of the car prior to purchase so James has right to return the car and ask for reimbursement if ever the car’s engine is not changed. On the other hand, the case of the Ferrari is different. Bill should have informed Peter about the situation earlier so that the issue has been resolved. As a customer, Bill has the right to return the car but since the car has been damaged because of his fault, his right has been void (ANL 2009). It is true that Peter has lied and Bill can still pursue to take legal actions against him. However, the possibility of any reimbursement is low due to Bill’s mistake of damaging the car due to his irresponsible actions. Through a legal process, he can still acquire an amount of money from Peter as a reimbursement but it will not be the same amount that he paid due to the damages on the car that he also has to pay. Advice 2: Gethin can solve by having a negotiation with Jack about the rate of work. Even though Jack is selected to finish the work, it is his ethical responsibility to avoid taking too much advantage of the situation. As a professional, Jack has a duty to render service for the benefit of his and his client’s party. He should price the service based on its regular price and not based on other unreasonable reasons (Thomson Reuters 2009). Through a business negotiation, Gethin should explain the situation to Jack and convince him to agree with his proposed rate. Both of them should present their oown proposal of price and be able to defend it. Gethin should explain that since it is just a completion work, the rate should not be very high. He should also identify the conditions and present it clearly so that any misunderstanding can be avoided. However, if Jack still did not agree, then the best way that Gethin can do is to look for other company that can finish the work and agree with his terms. Since it will be just a completion work, other companies will surely accept the project given that Gethin offers a reasonable rate. Business will still be business and as an entrepreneur, Gethin should know his limitations in terms of offering rates so that he will not end up spending a huge amount of money for the project. On the other hand, Gethin can sue Bob for not complying with the contract. The fact that Bob agreed on the contract gave him an obligation to follow it and be subjected to rules. In any business, contracts are considered as legal documents and are subjected to agreement between two parties. Anyone who disobeys can be sued and will be subjected to penalties depending on the case (Thomson Reuters 2009). Bob, as a contractor, should know about the consequences of not complying with the contract. If Bob is proven to guilty, then he will be liable to pay a certain amount to Gethin to cover the damages that he made and he might also lose his work license. References: Thomson Reuters. 2009. Contract and the Law. Available at http://smallbusiness. findlaw. com/business-forms-contracts/business-forms-contracts-overview-law. html Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL). 2009. Consumer Rights. ThisIsMoney. co. uk. Available at http://www. thisismoney. co. uk/help-and-advice/advice-banks/article. html? in_advicepage_id=130&in_article_id=395991&in_page_id=90
Thursday, January 2, 2020
James Fenimore Cooper s Impact On American Literature
James Fenimore Cooper had a very interesting life, molded American literature, and influenced many popular authors, such as Herman Melville, Richard Henry Dana, Jr., Francis Parkman, and even Mark Twain, through his â€Å"literary offenses.†(1) The experiences Cooper had throughout his life shaped his rogue character and literary style. The evidence of Cooper’s impact to American literature is well documented. James Fenimore Cooper was born on September 15, 1789 in Burlington, New Jersey to William Cooper and Elizabeth Fenimore. James was the last of twelve children; only seven survived childhood: Richard, Hannah, Isaac, Ann, William and Samuel. Within the first year of James’ birth, he moved from New Jersey to the source of the Susquehanna†¦show more content†¦At the age of 12, William Cooper resolved to send James to a Latin based boarding school run by Reverend Thomas Ellison. James’ closest companion in boarding school was William Jay, the second son of governor John Jay. They used to adventure around New York, especially in the excavated plot of land which Saint Peter’s Church would be built on, with other boys who would later become business for the state. This foreshadowed James’ trickster attitude. By the age of thirteen, James entered Yale College. Some evidence to the claims of James’ rogue character surface during his time at Yale. Simply stated: Cooper was a prankster. It is reported that he put a donkey in a teacher’s classroom, and many other tricks. James never got into large trouble until his biggest prank: he blew up another student’s dorm door with gunpowder. By the age of 16, James Fenimore Cooper was expelled from Yale College. Shortly after James left Yale, he enrolled in the Navy. There is little to no information about this time of his life other than it being a basis for his first book: Afloat and Ashore: A Sea Tale. On December 22, 1809, his father, William Cooper died from a blow to the back of the head delivered by a political opponent; this was a devastating episode as James was at sea when his father passed. Shortly after, James met Susan DeLancey, whom he married on on January 1, 1811. The DeLanceys were a wealthy family related toShow MoreRelated Cooper and Cole: Comments on the Power of Nature in The Last of the Mohicans1931 Words  | 8 PagesCooper and Cole: Comments on the Power of Nature in The Last of the Mohicans In the history of American literature, James Fenimore Cooper played a substantial role in the development of American fiction and the American character (McWilliams 20-21). During his own time, Cooper influenced public opinion on many important political issues, especially those relating to the Native Americans, and especially the Indian Removal controversy of the 1830s (McWilliams 84). 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Beginnings to 1700 Great mixing of peoples from the whole Atlantic basin Bloody conflicts between Native Americans (or American Indians) and European explorers and settlers who had both religious and territorial aspirations - Native American oral literature / oral tradition - European explorers’ letters, diaries, reports, etc., such as Christopher Columbus’s letters about his voyage to the â€Å"New world†. - Anglo (New England) settlers’ books, sermonsRead MoreEssay on Impact of the Industrial Revolution on History2331 Words  | 10 Pagesand medicine took place altering society and ways of life. People were changed along with culture (Miller, 489-97). However, throughout these ever flexing times, one thing remained nearly consistent-literature. Of course, even the arts were revolutionized. During the Industrial revolution literature, as it usually does, reflected the dramatic, social, and economic developments taking place throughout the world. 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Namely James Fenimore Cooper s â€Å"Natty Bumppo†and Herman Melville s â€Å"Captain Ahab†Read MoreInfluence of Immigration on the American Culture and Language14362 Words  | 58 PagesInfluence of Immigration on the American Culture and Language CONTENT Introduction †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. The Main Part †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Chapter I In Search of America †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 1.1. America: Its Image and Reality†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 1.2. The Reasons of Immigration to the USA†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 3. . The Importance of Religious Beliefs: â€Å"One Nation under God ††¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Chapter II The Nation of Immigrants†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 2.1. American beliefs and values†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦
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