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Green motorsports - Research Paper Example The diesel-fueled Audi developed the victor with just about 100 focuses clear from their neare...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Faith Destroyed in Eliezer Wiesel’s Night Essay - 986 Words
Faith Destroyed in Eliezer Wiesel’s Night At first glance, Night, by Eliezer Wiesel does not seem to be an example of deep or emotionally complex literature. It is a tiny book, one hundred pages at the most with a lot of dialogue and short choppy sentences. But in this memoir, Wiesel strings along the events that took him through the Holocaust until they form one of the most riveting, shocking, and grimly realistic tales ever told of history’s most famous horror story. In Night, Wiesel reveals the intense impact that concentration camps had on his life, not through grisly details but in correlation with his lost faith in God and the human conscience. Elie Wiesel’s God is more than a substantial part of his life. When Elie first†¦show more content†¦Elie and his father are taken to Auschwitz where they are separated from the rest of the family and first hear about atrocities such as the incinerators and gas showers. In the beginning Elie believes that everything is a rumor, a lie, that humankind cannot perform such crimes, but he soon is forced to witness the demise in front of his eyes. This is when his outlook on his faith starts to waver. While watching the smoke billow up from a crematory, Elie hears a man standing next to him begging him to pray, and for the first time in his life Wiesel turns away from God. â€Å"The Eternal, Lord of the Universe, the All-Powerful and Terrible, was silent. What had I to thank him for?†(31). As Elie gets used to his new life in such a hellish state, he realizes that the trusting and faithful child that he once had been had been taken away along with his family and all else that he had ever known. While so many others around him still implore the God of their past to bring them through their suffering, Wiesel reveals to the reader that although he still believes that there is a God, he no longer sees Him as a just and compassionate leader but a cruel and testing spectator. Elie’s faith in his Lord and his instinctive love for humanity are put to their final tests as the novel approaches its climax and conclusion. After witnessing the malicious, brutal hanging of an innocent child, Elie comes to theShow MoreRelatedPainful Experiences of the Holocaust in the Novel, Night by Elie Wiesel1185 Words  | 5 PagesNight Essay Prompt: Analyze how Wiesels character changed throughout the novel, especially in regard to the Jewish religion and towards God as a result of his experiences during the Holocaust. How does Wiesel’s transformation reveal the author’s intended theme about the Holocaust? World War II is a very impactful point in history where the Holocaust is viewed as one of the worst acts of human genocide. Countless Jewish victims endured traumatizing amounts of suffering and pain that transformedRead MoreThe Holocaust: Night by Elie Wiesel1635 Words  | 7 PagesJews were persecuted, tortured and slaughtered in concentration camps (â€Å"The Holocaust†1). Night by Elie Wiesel is the powerful memoir of his experiences during the Holocaust. Night shows the tragedy of the Holocaust through the use literary devices, including the themes of loss of faith and cruelty toward other human beings, night as a symbol of suffering and fear, and the use of first person narrative. Night allows the reader to emotionally connect with the victims of the Holocaust, encourages themRead MoreElie Wiesel s The Holocaust1315 Words  | 6 PagesThe Holocaust was an event where millions of people were being murdered during World War II. The memoir, Night by Elie Wiesel is based on Wiesel’s experiences in concentration camps, in order to give readers an insight of someone who was a victim of the Holocaust. The young narrator, Elie Wiesel, faces countless struggles for survival among the horrors of the Holocaust. In the memoir, Eliezer, the passionately, devoted boy with a benevolent family, is taken from his home and sent to a concentrationRead MoreBook Review of Night and Dawn Essay2568 Words  | 11 PagesBook Review of Night and Dawn Never shall I forget that night, the first night in the camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed. Never shall I forget that smoke. Never shall I forget the little wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky. Never shall I forget those flames which consumed my faith forever. Never shall I forget that nocturnal silence which deprived me, for all eternity, of the desire to live. Never shall I forget those momentsRead MoreLoss of Faith and Religion in Ellie Wiesel’s Night1386 Words  | 6 Pagesrelentless â€Å"night†of terror and torture in which humans were treated as animals. Wiesel discovers the â€Å"Kingdom of Night†(118), in which the history of the Jewish people is altered. This is Wiesel’s â€Å"dark time of life†and through his journey into night he can’t see the â€Å"light†at the end of the tunnel, only continuous dread and darkness. Night is a memoir that is writte n in the style of a bildungsroman, a loss of innocence and a sad coming of age. This memoir reveals how Eliezer (Ellie Wiesel)Read More NIght Response Essay936 Words  | 4 Pagesthreats as we grow and mature. Although how we act in these situations defines who we are, the underlying importance of these issues is how we come to our final decision and how we face the threats that lie before us. In Elie Wiesels’s memoir Night, a huge groups of people have their lives threatened and taken away as Primo Levi said â€Å"†¦ at a yes, or a no†and this shows just how predominant of an effect this threat had on the Jewish people. Many characters in this memoir chose to addressRead More Loss of Faith and Religion in Ellie Wiesel’s Night Essay1737 Words  | 7 Pagesrelentless â€Å"night†of terror and torture in which humans were treated as animals. Wiesel discovers the â€Å"Kingdom of Night†(118), in which the history of the Jewish people is altered. This is Wiesel’s â€Å"dark time of life†and through his journey into night he can’t see the â€Å"light†at the end of the tunnel, only continuous dread and darkness. Night is a memoir that is written in the style of a bildungsroman, a loss of innocence and a sad coming of age. This memoir reveals how Eliezer (Elie Wiesel)Read MoreAn Everlasting Relationship in Elie Wiesel ´s Night1237 Words  | 5 Pagesto be filled to capacity 262 times to equal the eleven million total people that died during the Holocaust. Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, and many others were killed for no other reason than being hated by the Nazis for who they are. In Elie Wiesel’s memoir Night, he tells the petrifying experiences he suffered through that scarred him forever. Some things can never be unseen, and this was the case for Wiesel. If it were not for his father, his last bit of hope for life would have been shattered, and
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Ornitholestes - Facts and Figures
Name: Ornitholestes (Greek for bird robber); pronounced OR-nith-oh-LEST-eez Habitat: Forests of western North America Historical Period: Late Jurassic (155-145 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 5 feet long and 25 pounds Diet: Meat Distinguishing Characteristics: Slender build; long hind legs About Ornitholestes Discovered in 1903, Ornitholestes was given its name (Greek for bird robber) by the famous naturalist Henry F. Osborn before paleontologists had grappled with the evolutionary origin of birds. Its certainly possible that this slender theropod preyed on the proto-birds of the late Jurassic period, but since birds didnt really come into their own until the late Cretaceous, its more likely that Ornitholestes feasted on small lizards and the carrion left over by larger carnivores. Whatever the case, theres not much fossil evidence to support either supposition: unlike the situation with its close cousins Coelophysis and Compsognathus, remains of Ornitholestes are few and far between, necessitating a large amount of guesswork. Ornitholestes reputation as a bird-eater has much in common with Oviraptors reputation as an egg-stealer: these were inferences drawn on the basis of insufficient knowledge (and in the case of Ornitholestes, the myth was perpetuated by a famous painting by Charles R. Knight depicting this dinosaur preparing to eat a captured Archaeopteryx). Theres still a lot of speculation about Ornitholestes: one paleontologist suggests that this dinosaur snatched fish out of lakes and rivers, another maintains that (if Ornitholestes had hunted in packs) it might have been capable of taking down plant-eating dinosaurs as big as Camptosaurus, and yet a third believes that Ornitholestes may have hunted by night, in a deliberate attempt to avoid (and outfox) its fellow theropod Coelurus.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Microwavable frozen foods Free Essays
United States and China had been seemingly a stable economic partner since years ago. Trades were often made between these two big countries hence China became the third economic partner of US. And also became second in terms of exports to the US. We will write a custom essay sample on Microwavable frozen foods or any similar topic only for you Order Now On the other hand, exports were also given to Chin. It is simply stated that China and US were mutual in economic relations. In the Case of Microwavable Frozen Foods that we wish to export to China. The goal is to have great trade by having great facilitation on the trade that will be occurring between China and US on the exports to be presented by China(Richelson). There is really the need of understanding the wellness of good trade facilitation as well as the neediness of the good for the target company. A good must be considered really consumable for the consumers of the company.  A good trade facilitation would lead efficiently to the smoothly flow of the transactions as well as simplifying the process, documentation and information to be held during the transactions. Smooth flow of transaction may lead to lessen burdens especially with the cost of business trade and great security and control. Being an international trade, during the transaction there must be some factors to be considered the contract to be made regarding the border and custom issues and transport services. When dealing with international trade, awareness to the business transaction made is a great factor to have high performance in the business world(My Own Business). In the export of microwavable frozen foods, we should consider the type of product that we wish to present to our trade partner by ensuring a highly rated product to achieve mutual pleasures between your partner and the exporter yourself. Contracts should be also one of the necessary materials in doing international transactions even only locally. A contract can ensure that your goods will be at good or it is naturally needed for the development on good partnership. Indeed, contacts are capable for the mistakes that would possibly do during the transaction and trade. With contracts, trade partner were both attain benefits especially during fault and blunder for the transactions. With contacts, both parties are well secured for the deal and companies as well be secured. When dealing only with the company for the transaction to be made, there is also the need to understand and to be aware of the country’s laws for any exports to be received by the company within the country. It is the responsibility as a exporter to perceive all necessary transaction procedures to be made. The exportation must be guided according to the Border and Customs ruling of China where our business partner was located(McIntyre). This method of knowing more about borders and custom rulings will improve the efficiency of the trade as well as run smoothly due to conformity to the rule. There was also sometimes that before making the transaction, there is a need for the presence of any business related offices as well as security offices for the importing country to manage the trade simultaneously and secured. Regarding with this, the paper document as well as the good must be presented first to the clients together with their business lawyers for the preparation of good del and agreement to be held in the near future. With the help of each lawyers of both parties, deal and agreements will be efficiently be made and completed. Prior to the aid of lawyers, the risks of ignorance to the deal and agreement will be merely obliterated. Financing the exportations of goods was truly beneficial as well as other requirements such as contract and agreement. Any financing requirement must be fulfilled eagerly for the progress for the progress of the transactions(Co.). Because making a great transaction is relevant for the payment of your exported Goods. Cost of good also should be considered, because the target company was not only making agreement with one exporting company. Attractive and competitive pricing of Goods should be recognized as looking for the business as a competitive one. Because they were not only dealing with us, we must consider other rivals pricing or cost of good to be able to cope up with the competition in the world of business most likely in the world of exportations. As a response to other goods prices, we can offer credits and extend their payment dues and this will enable our transaction that would take place in place of other exporters. Regarding with the international trade there still one important thing that should be discussed; this is the American Depository receipt or ADR. This is simply known to be non other than share of stocks acquired by non US companies for their trade with US Company(Kamlet and Regnery). This is an efficient way of handling trade of non US Company with us because they can acquire share of stocks that can be invested when any trade was made between our company and theirs. This is a great help to them if they wishes to stock trade in any US stock exchange. Being an exporting company, these were truly considerable facts and details that we be looking upon when dealing with our clients especially in abroad. Having knowledge with these things would remarkably a great sense of competition that would further be accomplished. Paying attention to the client’s yearning and yearning would be capable for us to manifest a good business performance alongside with other big companies surrounding us. Preparing for these activities such as trading would not be as tough if we consider all the things of factors of a good and competitive business and also it will help lessen any risks for any transactions to be made. Work Cited: Co., Unz . â€Å"Financing Export Transactions.†1999. Kamlet, Art, and George Regnery. â€Å"Stocks – American Depositary Receipts.† (2002). McIntyre, Doug. â€Å"Investing in China.† (2007). My Own Business, Inc. â€Å"International Trade.†2007. Richelson, Jeffrey T. â€Å"China and the United States: From Hostility to Engagement, 1960-1998 † (1999). How to cite Microwavable frozen foods, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Strategic Management Tool And Techniques In Reference To EBay Inc
Question- Write an assignment that gives an in-depth understanding of strategic management tool and techniques? Answer - Executive Summary This assignment gives an in-depth understanding of strategic management tool and techniques and how they help an organisation in developing its future growth strategies. It studies strategic management in reference to eBay Inc which is a market leader of worlds online market place. First part of the assignment conducts an environmental analysis for eBay using strategic tools like SWAOT analysis, PEST analysis and Porters five forces analysis. The outcome of SWOT analysis shows that strengths and opportunities of eBay outnumber its Weaknesses and threats; this predicts future growth and profitability. PEST analysis for eBay analyses the external factors that affects its operations. Porters five forces analysis for eBay shows that they feel minimum pressure from competitors; substitute products and suppliers however are affected by change in customer preferences. Does The Intricacy of The Topic Intimidate You? Tame Your Fear with Unmatched Assignment Help Services from Professional Writers. Second part of the assignment evaluates the resources and core competencies of eBay that leads to development of competitive advantages that competitors can neither imitate nor substitute. Resources analysis of eBay reveals that it has around $44.48 billion of tangible assets and $10,208 million of goodwill and intangible assets. Innovation forms the base for its high brand reputation and its 33,000 employees across the globe are seen as the most precious assets of the company. E-auction, unique business model and unmatched brand reputation are identified as the core competencies of the company which helps them retaining their competitive advantage and huge market share. Third part of the assignment focuses on recommendation for future development. TOWS analysis is performed for eBay in order to formulate strategies that can help them in maximising their strengths and minimising their weaknesses in order to take advantage of opportunities and avoid threats. Market development, strategic alliance and new pricing strategies are seen as the most sustainable, feasible and acceptable future growth strategies to enter new markets of developing countries like India and China. Table of Contents Introduction. Environmental Analysis for eBay. SWOT Analysis for eBay. PEST Analysis for eBay. Porters Five Forces Analysis for eBay. Resources and Competence Analysis for eBay. Recommendations for future Development. TOWS matrix for eBay to generate strategic options. Recommendations. References. Appendices. Introduction Strategic management is the process of systematic analysis of factors related to the external environment (competitors and customers) and the internal environment (organisation itself) in order to ensure that optimum management practices are maintained (Ansoff, 2007) . The primary purpose of strategic management is to attain an alignment between strategic priorities and corporate policies. eBay Inc. commonly referred to as ebay was founded in year 1995 by Pierre Omidyar (eBay Inc, 2015). It is an American multinational corporation and e-commerce company. It uses internet to provide business-to customer and customer-to-customer sales services. It is a multi-billion dollar company with offices across the global and headquarters in San Jose, California, United States. It comprises of three different business units with their own distinct brands (eBay Inc, 2015). eBay helps businesses and individuals in buying and selling online, PayPal is considered a leader in digital payments transact ions, eBay Enterprise provide customers with digital marketing, commerce and retailing services. Environmental Analysis for eBay Environmental analysis is defined as the systematic process of identifying various environmental factors in a business, studying their possible impacts and formulating strategies in order to benefit from them (Freeman, 2010). A companys environment or marketing environment comprises of all the factors that affect its ways of working. An in-depth analysis of marketing environment helps taking best advantage of positive factors and minimising the affect of negative factors (Baines, Fill, Page, 2013). Internal environment, micro environment and macro environment are three parts of a companys marketing environment (Adler, 2010). Figure below shows the different components of each part. Various strategic management tools can be used to perform environmental analysis for ebay. SWOT Analysis for eBay Swot analysis is a strategic management tool that helps analysing a companys strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (Pahl Richter, 2009). It the strengths and opportunities combined together outnumbers weaknesses and threats then the outcome is considered positive and predicts future growth. Swot analysis for ebay is shown below. Strengths Weaknesses Giant online marketplace: 105 million active users and 150 million live listings Extensive global presence: Present in 37 countries Economies of Scale: Very less investment with high earning Strong business model: Acts as an intermediate between sellers and buyers. A unique business model that serves as a competitive advantage Brand reputation: A multi billion brand with huge brand loyalty Strong payment methods: Uses PayPal which is considered a secure and convenient payment system Localisation: Displays in local languages and is adapted to local product offerings High Fees: Market research reveals that eBay charges comparatively high fees when compared to other online service providers. Sellers are hardly able to make profits. Scams: A number of shipping scams and frauds have been reported lately as no IT system can be 100% secure. Lacks strong future growth strategies Opportunities Threats Growth of online market: Reports indicate remarkable growth in online market. It is an emerging market and provides ample opportunities. Developing economies: Countries like India and China present good growth opportunities Change in customer preference: Customers today have less time thus prefer to use online marketplace which helps saving time. Impact of social media: use of social media helps in attracting more customers Acquisitions and Mergers: Skype deal opens more opportunities Online Security: As the model is completely IT bases its always open to security threats Increased Competition: High competition from big brands like Amazon and new entrants Changing economies and exchange rate: Changes in economical conditions affects exchange rates which in turn affects eBay. Other IT related issues like server crash, hacking etc. Table.1. Source: Made by Student (2015) SWOT analysis for eBay predicts high future growth however they have to work on their future strategies in order to align with changing business needs. PEST Analysis for eBay PEST analysis is a business management tool that helps analysing the political, economical, socio-cultural and technological factors affecting the overall functioning of an organisation (SWOT analysis and PEST analysis, 2014). PEST analysis for eBay is shown below: Political: This element of PEST analysis evaluated the political factors that affect eBay. eBay has its operations in almost 37 countries across the globe thus is affected by different government laws and regulations of each country. However E-commerce as of now is not that much affected by national governments (Adler, 2010). They are greatly affected by taxation laws, employment laws, security regulations related to online payments etc (Armstrong, 2012). Economical: Like all other businesses eBay is greatly affected by the overall world economical conditions. They are affected by economical factors like inflation, unemployment, rate of interest, currency fluctuation and changes in taxes (Marketing Mix, 2013). Changes in economical conditions directly affect consumer buying power which in turn has direct influence on eBays overall business ( Bizning Vakil, 2012). Socio-Cultural: eBay overall business if greatly affected by changing customer preferences, changes in lifestyle trends and consumer buying patterns. Researches reveal that there has been a significant rise in the number of consumers preferring online retailing as compared to offline retailing (Armstrong, 2012). There has been a huge shift in consumers ways of buying and selling products with so much information available to them at the click of a button. Technological: Rapid advancement in technology has shown a huge impact on all business across the world (Armstrong, 2012). eBays complete business model is based on internet thus it is greatly affected by technological factors like security threats, server breakdowns and changes in terms of online payments. Porters Five Forces Analysis for eBay Porters five forces model is a tool that helps analysing the external competitive environment of an organisation (Porter, 2008). Porters five forces analysis for eBay is shown below: Threat of new entrants: Medium; E-commerce industry provide low barriers to new entrants (Frobes, 2014). It requires high investment in order to compete on a large scale. Online payments are seen as a complex processes. Threat of Competitive Rivalry: Medium to High; Both online and offline companies compete with eBay. It faces high competition from big online players like Amazon and Alibaba (Frobes, 2014). Less entry barriers result in development of a number of new online companies operating on same business model as eBay Bargaining power of customers: High; with too many options available customers enjoys high bargaining power ( Bizning Vakil, 2012). E-commerce companies have to offer fewer prices in order to attract more customers. Customer today has ample of information related to the products thus they know where they can get what they desired at best price. Bargaining power of Suppliers: Low; eBay is a big brand name and suppliers all over are eager to get associated with it (Frobes, 2014). Millions of sellers make product listing on eBay thus bargaining power of individual suppliers is very less. Threat of Substitute product: Low; eBay has a unique business model where numerous products are sold thus they do not feel any threat from substitute products (Frobes, 2014). They can easily change to different products to meet changing needs of customers. Resources and Competence Analysis for eBay Resource Based View (RBV) of strategic management helps identifying an organisations sources behind its sustained competitive advantage (Acosta, Colomo-Palacios, Loukis, 2011).eBay is the worlds largest online marketplace which provides its users with a convenient platform where they can buy and sell their products. The evolution of strategic management over time has made it possible to analyse the resources and core competencies of an organisation which final lead to the development of competitive advantage (Hana, 2013). Strategic management has identified a strong relationship between an organisations resources, capabilities and core competencies (Nilsson Rapp, 2005). Resources are defined as the sources of an organisations capabilities; capabilities future acts as an organisations sources of core competencies which in turn forms the basis for its competitive advantage in the marketplace (Abraham, 2012). Resources: Resources of an organisation can be both tangible as well as intangible. Tangible resources are resources that are physical can be observed and quantified (Graham, 2008). Tangible resources of eBay include its financial assets of $44.48 billion till Q3 of year 2014 (ebay inc, 2015). Its physical assets which include its buildings, product lines, machinery, technological hardware and service equipment amount to $ 2,760 million as declared in eBay Inc. Annual report of year 2013 (Stock Analysis on Net, 2013). eBay has a strong portfolio of technological assets and organisational assets (ebay inc, 2013). Intangible resources are resources that cannot be quantified; they are deep rooted in organisations history and have accumulated over time (Abraham, 2012). As these resources are not easily visible it becomes difficult for competitors to understand, imitate or substitute them. Thus, a competitive advantage that results from an intangible resources is always more sustainable. Intangible resources include human resources, innovation and brand reputation (Freeman, 2010). eBay in its annual report of year 2013 has declared a good will and intangible assets of $ 10,208 million (Stock Analysis on Net, 2013). They have more than 33,000 employees across the globe, who are driven by a spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation along with a guiding sense of purpose. They strive for excellence and create a positive impact on customers, community and planet. Innovation is the key behind the remarkable success of eBay enabling it to each an unmatched brand reputation. Core Competence: Core competence refers to an organisations resources and capabilities that server as a competitive advantage against its competitors (Ansoff, 2007). It emerges within an organisation over a period of time and defines its capacity to take actions. It helps adding unique value for its customers and represents only those resources and capabilities that have strategic values. eBays complete business model is an unmatched core competence and serves as prime competitive advantage for the company. It is recognised worldwide for its innovative ideas which cannot be imitated by any of its rivals. Its Brand reputation is another core competence that attracts high customer traffic towards its website. eBay considers its human resources as one of the primary forces that helped it develop a strong brand reputation in the online marketplace. E-auction service is another core competence of eBay which has brought considerable growth to the company. Recommendations for future Development Resources and competence analysis of eBay predicts high growth opportunities in coming future. The company however must emphasize more on developing strategies that can help them prevent frauds especially in customer to customer marketing of products. eBay recently has faced a number of legislation related to selling of counterfeit products. It must deploy effective screening processes in order to control the sale of counterfeit products. It must expand to developing economies and take advantage of ample opportunities presented by them. It is essential for them to formulate future growth strategies in order to meet the dynamic needs of online marketplace and further strengthen their technological portfolio in order to retain their competitive advantage. TOWS matrix for eBay to generate strategic options TOWS analysis is referred to as a variant of SWOT analysis (Baines, Fill, Page, 2013). It helps in bettering understanding of the various strategic choices available to the organisation. TOWS analysis for eBay is present below: TOWS Matrix for eBay TOWS Matrix for eBay External Opportunities (O) External Threats(T) Growing demand for online retailing Acquisitions and mergers Growth in digital market sector Diversification Developing economies Security threats Changing economic conditions Currency fluctuation Sale of counterfeit products Emergence of small domestic players Competition from big brands like Amazon Internal Strengths (S) (SO) Using strengths to maximise opportunities (ST) Using strengths to minimise threats Online market place leader Huge market share Financial Stability Strong leadership Brand reputation Business Model Human resources E-auction Strong technological portfolio Expanding to new markets like India and China Expanding product portfolio Diversifying into new product markets Using Brand reputation to attract more customers Online verification to control sale of counterfeit products Strategic alliances to further increase market share Restructuring marketing and management strategies Internal Weaknesses (W) (WO) Minimising weaknesses to take advantage of opportunities (WT)Minimise weaknesses to avoid threats Weak control illegal and fraud selling of products Complete dependence on technology Comparatively high prices Brick and Mortar stores for eBay to enhance physical evidence element Altering pricing strategies to provide cost advantage Implement strategies that can better control frauds. Strengthen online payments security. Strategic alliances Table.2. Source: Made by Student (2015) The outcome of TOWS analysis for eBay presents ample opportunities for eBay in international online market place. They must consider Market development, strategic alliance and pricing strategies as primary future growth strategies. Recommendations Market development, strategic alliance and new pricing strategies are the most sustainable, feasible and acceptable future growth strategies. They should consider countries like India and China for further expansion. Both these countries are developing economies with huge population thus provide ample growth opportunities. In order to take maximum advantage they should focus on developing strategic alliance with local enterprises that have better knowledge of local community preferences. As they enter these new markets they should emphasize on restructuring their pricing strategies as these countries have lower buying power owing to less stable economic conditions and low currency value. eBay enjoys a huge market share and has high brand reputation which can help them attract target customers in new markets. They should deploy strategies by which can control sale of counterfeit products which will further help them increase brand image and loyalty. References Bizning Vakil. (2012). External environment of EBay within the framework of Porters Five Force analysis. Abraham, S. C. (2012). Strategic Planning: A Practical Guide for Competitive Success. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing. Acosta, P. S., Colomo-Palacios, R., Loukis, E. N. (2011). A review of the RBV of the firm within the e-Business literature: Whats next? Interdisciplinary Journal of Research in Business , 1 (1), 45-52. Adler, M. (2010). A Study of Marketing and Online Marketing Tools which Improve Online Success. Norderstedt: GRIN Verlag. Ansoff, H. I. (2007). Strategic Management. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Armstrong, S. (2012). Ecommerce versus high street retail: benefits and issues. Baines, P., Fill, C., Page, K. (2013). Essentials of Marketing. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ebay inc. (2013). ebay inc blog. ebay inc. (2015). Investor Relations. eBay Inc. (2015). Who we are. Freeman, R. E. (2010). Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Frobes. (2014). eBay Through The Lens Of Porter's Five Forces. Graham, H. (2008). Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning. New Delhi: Pearson Education India. Hana, U. (2013). Competitive Advantage Achievement through Innovation and Knowledge. Journal of Competitiveness , 5 (1), 82-96. Marketing Mix. (2013). The Essential 7Ps To An Effective Online Marketing Strategy. Retrieved 2015, from https://marketingmix.co.uk/ Nilsson, F., Rapp, B. (2005). Understanding Competitive Advantage: The Importance of Strategic Congruence and Integrated Control. Hamburg: Springer. Pahl, N., Richter, A. (2009). Swot Analysis - Idea, Methodology and a Practical Approach. Frankfurt: BoD Books on Demand. Porter, M. E. (2008). Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. New York: Simon and Schuster. Stock Analysis on Net. (2013). Analysis of Goodwill and Intangible Assets. Stock Analysis on Net. (2013). Analysis of Property, Plant and Equipment. SWOT analysis and PEST analysis. (2014). SWOT analysis and PEST analysis. Appendices
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